Todoist Watch

TodoistTodoist Watch

Todoist is free to use. Download here: for Apple Watch gives you full control of Todoist right from your watch.

I’m sure that most of you use your smartphones to really organize your life. The whole purpose of a smartwatch is to make certain that you are getting your notifications, and it is just handy to have a to do list, for your wrist. Fortunately, a productivity application known as Todoist now supports Android Wear.

Todoist on watchWatch

Todoist Watch App

  1. Todoist Free vs Premium Comparison - Updated with new free features for 2021. Todoist Free vs Premium Comparison - This comparison article has been updated to include the new free features rolling out in 2021. I hope this helps those of you who are considering whether to upgrade or even try Todoist.
  2. Todoist made my life drastically better, it helped me declutter my brain to focus on the important things. Because of Todoist, I was able to read 15 books in 2 months, learn iOS development and spend more time with my family Todoist.

Now, I downloaded Todoist on my smartphone, and it is a pretty handy to-do list appliaction for the phone, talbet, desktop, browser, Gmail, and more. Yes, I got that from the official Google Play entry, but I’m going to add “Android Wear smartwatch” to the list.


Todoist With Onenote

Entering in a to-do item will sync the tasks on all devices, and it places it on the cloud. Not only can you use the Todoist on your Android Wear will track all your projects and sub-projects, but with Android Wear on the smartwatch, it is location-aware. For example, my Source says that Android Wear will use the GPS to buzz the watch when you drive near a selected store.

Todoist With Siri

The best part about it using ToDoist on Android Wear, is that you can just say “OK Google”, launch the application, and then add a task. In short, you never have an excuse to forget anything, because your watch can record what you can do much better than that elusive pad and paper that you can never find when you need it. Now this is what we make smartwatches for!