How to run a script Scripts save Praat users time and effort by automating a sequence of operations. To run a Praat script, go to the Control menu in the Praat objects window and select New Praat script. Then pull up the code for the desired script by clicking on one of the links below. Pausing the script ( manual ).pauseScript: 'Message to user'. beginPause/endPause is another pair of keywords in Praat that allows you to prompt the user for input at any time in your script. You might expect this would work exactly like form/endform (and use the same syntax), but it mostly does not!
The following Praat scripts were all based on pre-existing scripts given to me by others (see full credit, where possible, in the files). Most of them are used for working with files that are to be, or have been, ToBI annotated. They are all shared under a GNU General Public License.

'Segmenter' will chop a longer file (.TextGrid and .wav) into shorter files (.TextGrid and .wav), based on segmentation given in an interval tier. Best osx torrent. The files will be automatically named based on the label in that interval tier.
'add-phon-tier' allows you to either (1) create TextGrids for a series of .wav files in a folder, (2) add a tier to already existing TextGrids, or (3) update and save annotations in existing TextGrids.
'basic tobi extract' will extract a ToBI annotation and a word level transcription from a series of .TextGrids in a folder.
Finally, 'f0 points multi' and 'f0 points single' scripts function in similar ways, but are for two different sets of data.
The first script is for when you have multiple instances of the same f0 landmark (say, a peak) in a file. The script creates a new line for each peak, which includes the word and pitch accent closest to that peak, along with the full orthographic transcription and ToBI annotation of the utterance.
The second script is for when you have multiple files with different types of f0 landmarks marked in each: one file might have the start and end point of a rise; the other might only have the f0 at the midpoint of a plateau. This script only gives one line per file, with the appropriate f0 landmarks, full orthographic transcription, and ToBI annotation of the utterance.
Both scripts give the f0 Max and Min for the utterance, based on landmarks in a separate tier, and have the option of either running through the files blind, or checking each f0 point by hand.
hscript is a modification of the f0 points multi script, which cycles through the file based on labels in a 'nuclear' tier, which tags each pitch accent as nuclear or non-nuclear. For each label in that tier, it extracts the word, start and end of the stressed vowel associated with the pitch accent, and acoustic landmarks from labeled points L (optional) and H (not optional).
Praat Scripts Online
segmenter.txt | 2 KB |
add-phon-tier.txt | 3 KB |
basic_tobi_extract.txt | 2 KB |
f0points_single.txt | 10 KB |
f0points_multi.txt | 8 KB |
hscript.txt | 6 KB |